

I ran across this today a few hours after writing my last post. I thought it summed up my thoughts much better than I could. :)

"Humanism has so permeated our culture that it has even quietly crept into our Christianity [in two forms], liberal Christian humanism and evangelical Christian humanism... Liberal humanism says, 'The chief end of Christianity is the happiness of man when he is alive'... Evangelical humanism says, 'The chief end of Christianity is the happiness of man after he dies'..." Both liberal and evangelical humanists are Cats, but contrary to those points of view, "Dogs say, 'The chief end of Christianity is not to be happy (either before or after death), but rather it is to glorify God'. Happiness [then] is not the primary product of the Christian life; it is a byproduct of delighting in God."--Bob Sjogren in Cat and Dog Theology

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